
Chris Heaton-Harris MP Questions Health Spending Levels in Daventry

Chris Heaton-Harris MP was recently asked about whether the level of health spending on my constituents will be increasing or decreasing going forward. The facts show that spending on the health services Chris' constituents receive will increase at a level above the current forecasts for inflation. Meanwhile, where Labour controls the Health Service (in Wales), there are cuts in funding. 

Daventry Unemployment Down

Constituency unemployment figures for December 2013 which were published today at 9.30am by the Office for National Statistics.

Chris Heaton-Harris MP Speaks Out Against European Commission Spending

Chris demonstrated to the House of Commons in a recent speech how the European Commission spends European Taxpayers' monies on groups that promote "ever closer Union" and a more politically, fiscally and economically intergrated European Union. This is a copy of the speech in which Chris explains what sort of groups get money from just one of the hundreds (if not more) different budget lines that the European Commission distributes money to those who support it.